Alpem sagl 


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Via Cantonale 11, 6900 Lugano (TI)

Customized Industrial Products

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Brewery Equipment/ Brewery Products

High thickness Stainless Steel, quality welds, attention to detail and an unparalleled quality/price ratio.
These are the characteristics of our brewery products. Whether fermenters, brewhouses or any other brewery machine, they are customized and engineered to best meet your needs.



Brewhouse powered with different fuels:
- Gas
- Electric
- Electric Steam
- Steam Gas
- Biomass Steam

  • Wide range of capacities available which varies from 60L Pilot Brewhouse up to our 30Hl Profesional Brewhouse.
  • 2 or 3 tanks Brewhouse for the small installation to arrive at 4 or 5 tanks for the more profesional brewhouse.

The Brewhouse can be managed in different ways in function of you needs:
- Manually with temperature control (PID)
- Automatically via PLC
- Full automatic


Fermenter - Unitank

  • Fermenters and Bright tanks made of excellent stainless steel with very high quality welds.

Possibility of customization of the products:
- Front or Upper manhole
- Level
- Carbonation stone
- Sampling tap
- Connection for hop dispenser
- Separate glycol circuits for each jacket
- Particular dimensions/customized heights


Custom exterior finishes
- Staineless Steel finishings
- Copper details
- Etc

CO2 Recovery


Eliminate the CO2 cost with the CO2 recovery system

- Perfect also for Small Brewery

- Easy to use

- Using cost minimal (about 0.01€/kg CO2)*

- O2 level smaller that the standard cylinders (10ppm or less in function of the set ups)


- Filter for eliminate not desired parfumes/aromas

- Need very small space

- Can be connected with more fermenters at the same time

- Suitable for EU subventions

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  • Splendid stainless steel service tanks. Functional, hygienic but above all with an exceptional finish. 
  • Perfect for brepubs where not only the service but also the customer's impression counts.

HLT, GLT, CIP and other machines

  • HLT and GLT for perfect management of hot water and glycol. Designed according to your needs