Info & Contacts
Where We Are | + 41 794275671
Via Cantonale 11, 6900 Lugano (TI)
Design @ All Right Reserved 2023 - Sito web made by ALPEM Sagl
Brewhouse powered with different fuels:
- Gas
- Electric
- Electric Steam
- Steam Gas
- Biomass Steam
The Brewhouse can be managed in different ways in function of you needs:
- Manually with temperature control (PID)
- Automatically via PLC
- Full automatic
Fermenter - Unitank
Possibility of customization of the products:
- Front or Upper manhole
- Level
- Carbonation stone
- Sampling tap
- Connection for hop dispenser
- Separate glycol circuits for each jacket
- Particular dimensions/customized heights
Custom exterior finishes
- Staineless Steel finishings
- Copper details
- Etc
Eliminate the CO2 cost with the CO2 recovery system
- Perfect also for Small Brewery
- Easy to use
- Using cost minimal (about 0.01€/kg CO2)*
- O2 level smaller that the standard cylinders (10ppm or less in function of the set ups)
- Filter for eliminate not desired parfumes/aromas
- Need very small space
- Can be connected with more fermenters at the same time
- Suitable for EU subventions
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HLT, GLT, CIP and other machines